The DivergAntz Collective is designed to be a place of safety for neurodivergent brains and bodies. We are a collective resource bank of ND Affirming Service Providers, Professionals and Individuals. We would like to make it easier to find an ND Affirming professional by having a repository of information regarding services available and methods of access. Please feel free to help us grow this resource bank and community by putting forward yourselves, or others you know to be ND Affirming, who we can link to, and promote through this page and through our network. Further to this, if you have resources you want to share, to make available to professionals, teachers, children, parents or anyone in the wider community, please add it here.
Note: We will review anything prior to uploading and adding to the website. Please make it clear if you have ownership rights to the resources and if you’re the Director/Owner of the business being put forward.