Welcome to the

The DivergAntz Collective is a collective of neurodivergent affirming professionals who are committed to improving the journey for children, adults and families through diagnosis. This includes supporting those on the journey of diagnosis to understand their neurotype, access education to support their understanding and connect with their neurokin to find their tribe.

We want to help make the experience of diagnosis one which is lined with optimism, hope and the surreal, awesome clarity which comes from finally understanding your neurotype.

Please, climb down the rabbit hole with us …

AuDHD Directory of our site and resources/sites we love

If you are seeking diagnosis for Autism or ADHD click here and we can help.

If you would like to access a practitioner for ND Conversations, please have a read of our information sheet here. We don’t like the words ‘counsellor’ or ‘psychologist’ in these conversations as many have had very poor experiences and these therapies can be triggering. Our practitioners come from a variety of professional frameworks, but have been trained in Autistic led, therapies which focus on the monotropic nature of Autistic and ADHD brains and promote the Triple A framework of Autonomy, Authenticity and Acceptance.

If you would like to access FREE education regarding Autism and ADHD, you can either complete our short course by clicking here, or read our fact sheets and resources, or watch Tara Kent (aka. Miss_DivergAntz) TikToks’ or YouTube clips here.

If you are a practitioner yourself and would like to complete our $1,000 ND Affirming Specialist Practitioner course, click here.

If you would like to do a quiz to reflect on how ND affirming your own work, or the work of your organisation is, click here.

To find out more about what ND Affirming really means, click here.

If you would like to view our current ND Affirming Directory of professionals, “the DC Community”, click here.

If you would like to add yourself, or someone else to the ND Affirming Director of professionals, click here.

If you would like to access our community on an ongoing basis, please join the following Facebook Groups as this will connect you with other, like-minded people.

If you’re a ND Affirming practitioner yourself, please join the following facebook groups to connect with other like-minded practitioners

If you require a non-ABA response to complex issues or presentation in your child and are scared to use your Improved Relationships funding due to your own previous experiences, you can trust Instinct Au as they are Autistic led and based on neuroscience and sensory-based strategies. To access Instinct Au, click here.

If you would like to do some self-tests regarding Autism, we recommend the ones provided by Embrace Autism. You can access their website here.

We also encourage any adults seeking diagnosis to complete a CAT-Q Self-Assessment. This is about social camouflaging (masking / suppressing autistic traits) and often provides a very high score to unassessed adults. You can find this here

If you want to do a self-test for ADHD, you could try any of these, however none of these are as comprehensive as we would like.

If you’re looking for resources as a parent, with a newly diagnosed child, we recommend the Brain Building set of resources here.

If you’re looking for sensory-friendly, autistic affirming therapies for your little person, which is child-led and play-based, check out TecAntz,  our sister company.

If you’re looking for information about one of our favourite Autistic Advocates, Summer Farrelly, you can access their website and information about their Chickens to Love Program here.

If you’re an academic yourself and struggling to find affirming resources to cite in assessment, feel free to use any from Tara’s personal collection here

For information about our Director, Tara Kent, click here.


With both free and paid courses designed to suit people in a range of circumstances, we have something for you. Why not expand your knowledge and understanding and enrol with us today!


With both free and paid courses designed to suit people in a range of circumstances, we have something for you. Why not expand your knowledge and understanding and enrol with us today!

Get in Touch

If you have any questions, require more information, or would like to get in touch with us for any other reason, we’d love to hear from you!

You are able to send an email to info-dc@ndaffirming.com.au OR you can complete the below Service Request & Agreement and we’ll have someone touch base with you as soon as possible.