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What makes you an ND Affirming Service Provider

Hiring a ND professional as the Learning and Development Specialist, to find a highly neurodiverse workforce and a culture that embraces and supports our diversity. I've been tasked to develop Neurodiversity training which I've delivered to our team, sharing information about our autistic members we support and suggested strategies to communicate at work, we have ND folk in leadership and an open conversation around our various needs. Its truly wonderful, seeing support spillover in our sharing of the TEC via our enews and connection at Source Kids to other ND services is truly amazing.

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Type Of Services Provided

1300 057 878


Plan management within the NDIS

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Services provided in the DC Community are primarily based on public opinion and self promotion that these services practice in an ND Affirming manner. DivergAntz Collective has not conducted any assessments, nor reviewed any of these service providers and cannot confirm or deny if they do operate in an ND affirming manner, unless stated as such. Please use this list at your own risk.