See Beyond (run by Sara Hocking)

What makes you an ND Affirming Service Provider

The entire premise of my business is to provide supports for the neuro-diverse community. Although my background includes post-tertiary qualifications in Special Education, I often research best practices and strategies provided through lived experiences to supplement my knowledge base. My business setting allows for sensory adjustments to the environment, as needed; as well as multi-sensory learning experiences for children. I look to capitalise on the strengths of those I work with, and provide tools/supports for their areas of difficulty. Everything is based on the needs of the individual.

Contact Number

Contact Email

Type Of Services Provided

0405 545 923

Dungeons & Dragons play groups for children 1:1 Tutoring Safe and Sound Protocol (for emotional regulation) children & adult Consultations for parents to help them advocate for their children at school

State/Territory in which services are provided


Facebook Page

Further information




My aim is to look at how to better advocate for inclusion, at a systemic level in schools. Currently, most schools offer "inclusive" practices in name only. My approach is going to be contacting local and state officials to garner support for change to education requirements, at the state level. Teachers are currently required to have degrees in Primary/Secondary education, but NO ONE is required to have any additional degrees or qualification in special education/inclusion. The population of children that require the MOST supports are getting some of the least experienced, and unqualified staff members.

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Services provided in the DC Community are primarily based on public opinion and self promotion that these services practice in an ND Affirming manner. DivergAntz Collective has not conducted any assessments, nor reviewed any of these service providers and cannot confirm or deny if they do operate in an ND affirming manner, unless stated as such. Please use this list at your own risk.